From the very beginning, our Team has been a defining part of our culture. Working with Mitch, Chris-O, and B.P from day one to over 20 Team & Family Members today, how we support our riders is a true indication of the love we have for what we do. A Genuinue colabboration of ideas and product design. We are Follow, they are Follow, You are Follow. Follow Brand. Tested in Australia. Developed for the World.
Pro Team

Brian Grubb / Life, Wake

Alex Hayes / Life

Alex Aulbach / Cable

Anna Nikstad-O'Shea / Cable

Joe Battleday / Cable

Pedro Caldas / Cable

Sam Brown / Wake

Gavin Stuckey / Cable

AM Team

Jay Button / Life

Josh Ku / Life

James Casey / Life

Josh Twelker / Wake

Cassidy Gale / Wake

Rivers Hendrick / Cable

Ashley Inloes / Wake

James Windsor / Cable