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Joey & Pedro. A lovingly served up 'Down Under Days in the Lives '.
Joey Batlleday & Pedro Caldas. A lovingly served up 'Down Under Days in the Lives'. Wakeboarding looks easy when you watch good guys ride. It looks like they just strapped on a board and just started doing stuff. But what you don’t’ see is the millions of head bashing, arm bruising, leg hurting nonsense that goes into
Why Do Follow Make The Best Wakeboard Ropes and Handles?
While wakeboarding is undoubtedly an exciting sport, it is also a dangerous one. This is why having the right equipment is essential. One of the essential pieces of equipment for wakeboarding is a wakeboard rope and handle. In this post, we will discuss our Follow ropes and handles.
Follow Team Rider - Anna Nikstad-O'Shea
We sit down with Anna Nikstad from southeast Texas for a chat about her journey in wakeboarding and involvement with Follow in developing and testing our gear for the optimal female performance, fit and appearance.
Scumline Interview
Premiered on the 10th OCT at Velocity Wake Park. If the reaction to this movie is anything to go by, there is hope for the full-length yet. You may have watched the teaser above and you can watch it the movie in full length below. But maybe first you'd like to hear from Trever himself.
AFFET — Alexander Aulbach.
The idea for this video was to hit the three parks in Lithuania. Filmer, Nic Leduc, and I have spent as some time together in Lithuania before and thought it be cool to do another video here. We filmed this edit in 10 days, dealing with super cold weather, so we were only able to hit two parks; Wakeway in Vilnius and 313 in Palanga,
Followwake Presents
The Stuckeys put together for us, this edit using of clips they had lying around. Now we would say 'watch this space', but it self evident that you need to, when you watch this, umm,.. space. Throwaway. Stuckeys Bros. Edit by Dave Av. 2022.
A drop heads up.
We don’t know what the future brings. But we do know where it leads. Follow… where we go.
Pedro Caldas - Dead Hand Gang Edit
Pedro Caldas and Dave Av have been tirelessly working day and night for you. Now you can ‘half’ watch this in the lunchroom before someone comes and interrupts you to use the microwave. Don’t forget to wash your cups.
Ange Out of the Kitchen section
Angelika Schriber ripping through ten European wake parks in 2017 while filming for the #outofthekitchen girls wakeboard project.
1st No Fake Friends Tour
#NOFAKEFRIENDS Thailand trip from Follow wake on Vimeo. To kick off the season properly, Follow meet up at Thai Wake Park to explore the Thai Wake scene for the #NOFAKEFRIENDS...