How to Extend your Season : Rivers Hedrik

As winter approaches, many begin swapping one board for another. But if you're as passionate as our long-time Follow Team Rider Rivers Hedrik, you'll find a way to keep riding no matter the weather.

January 10, 2025

We caught up with her for a quick chat to hear about what she’s been up to and what lies ahead for the year. But first, let her explain to you that how layering up with our Follow Wetties, you can make the most of our wetsuit line, perfect for anyone looking to stay on the water all season.



Let’s kick things off with an easy one: Where’s your favorite coffee spot, and why?

Easiest question ever—Aran! They’ve got the best coffee and food in the cutest little town, Landshut. Alex, please bring me some beans next time I see you. Thanks!

After winning pretty much every major pro event in wakeboarding—

Munich Mash, US Nationals, LAO (just this year alone!), and Red Bull Wake2el and LAO the year before—not to mention the Wakeboarding Mag Check Out Award in 2021

What are some goals you’d like to achieve in the next five years?

Hah! Well, there are definitely more events I want to cross off the list, so that’s a start. I’d also love to release a couple of video parts I can truly be proud of. But my main goal over the next five years is to help push women’s wakeboarding to the highest level possible. I’ll do my best to play my part and encourage others to do the same. The girls are absolutely killing it right now!


"My main goal over the next five years is to help push women’s wakeboarding to the highest level possible. I’ll do my best to play my part and encourage others to do the same."


Which riders inspired you most when you started? And has that changed over time?

Safe to say, I’ve looked up to so many people and still do. From the local riders at my home park to meeting Anna Nikstad for the first time at the LF Park Pro in 2019. Anna is incredible—she’s one of the hardest workers I’ve ever seen and has taught me so much about navigating this industry.

I’ve also drawn inspiration from a lot of the guys, especially regarding riding levels. Chasing the limits of the best local riders at Terminus always pushes me to aim higher. Even if I’m not there yet, having those big goals has helped me surpass what I thought was possible. Without that motivation, I don’t think my riding would be where it is today.

Besides wakeboarding, what other sports or hobbies do you enjoy?

Last winter in Orlando, I picked up bouldering as an off-season hobby. It’s been such a fun challenge to start fresh and learn something new. Like wakeboarding, you make quick progress early on once you master the basics, and you face similar mental battles when working through tough climbs. Plus, it’s a great way to stay strong and ready for the season ahead.

You’re from Atlanta, Georgia—how does your daily routine look when you’re back home?

Yep, Atlanta is home! When I’m there, my days are a mix of catching up on rest, spending time with family and friends, working on editing projects, and, of course, riding at one of the best cables in the world—Terminus! After a trip, you can count on me being there the next day, no matter how tired I am. I just love that place and the community around it.

You travel a LOT. Got any pro travel tips?

One thing I’ve learned is to sleep whenever you can, but avoid sleeping at the wrong times—especially when fighting jet lag! Sleeping on long flights helps you stay awake during those crucial 12-hour stretches after landing. Patience is also key when traveling since delays and lost luggage are always a possibility. I recommend putting an Airtag in your board bag—it’s been a lifesaver for keeping track of my gear.

Filmmaking is a big passion of yours. Is that what you see yourself doing after wakeboarding?

Absolutely! I can confidently say I want to pursue a career in the film industry after wakeboarding. But I also plan to stay in the wakeboarding world for as long as possible, so I hope to blend the two. Whether it’s freelancing or working as a media lead for a wakeboarding brand, I’m excited to see where it takes me.

What are five essentials you can’t live without?

Oof, this is a tough one! But here’s my list:

  • My camera
  • A water bottle (stay hydrated, folks!)
  • Unfortunately, my phone
  • My laptop for filming and editing
  • Sunglasses, I guess? This one was hard to narrow down, haha!

Lastly, a little rumor has been going around… and we already know the truth: You’re getting a signature vest!

Yes! I’m beyond pumped for this. It’s been a dream of mine, and I’m so grateful to work with a brand that’s not only making it happen but also creating with intention, quality, and durability. Much love to Follow!


"I’m so grateful to work with a brand that’s not only making it happen but also creating with intention, quality, and durability. Much love to Follow!"